Founded: 1942 Degree Programs: Diploma, Bachelor, Master, Doctor Faculties: Geology and Geography Biology Social Science Chemistry Schools: Mathematics and Computing Physics and Electronics Mongolian Studies Foreign Language and Culture Law Economic Studies School of Pedagogy in Hovd Foreign Language School in Orkhon Economic College in Zavkhan Address: Main Campus 1 University St., Ulaanbaatar Postal Address: Box 337, Post Office-46, Ulaanbaatar 210646 Website: Phone: 320160 Fax: +976-1324385 E-mail:
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Founded: 1969 Degree Programs: Diploma, Bachelor, Master, Doctor Schools: Chemical Technology Civil Engineering Computer Science and Management Engineering Education Food Technology Foreign Language Geology Industrial Technology and Design Mathematics Mechanical Engineering Mining Engineering Power Engineering Telecommunications and Information Technology Advanced Technologies Humanities Technology School in Darkhan Technology School in Erdenet Technology School in Uvurkhangai Technology School in Sukhbaatar Founded: 1969 Degree Programs: Diploma, Bachelor, Master, Doctor Schools: Chemical Technology Civil Engineering Computer Science and Management Engineering Education Food Technology Foreign Language Geology Industrial Technology and Design Mathematics Mechanical Engineering Mining Engineering Power Engineering Telecommunications and Information Technology Advanced Technologies Humanities Technology School in Darkhan Technology School in Erdenet Technology School in Uvurkhangai Technology School in Sukhbaatar Address: Main Campus 49, Baga Toiruu St. Ulaanbaatar Postal Address: Box 520, Post Office-46, Ulaanbaatar 210646 Website: Phone: 322126 Fax: +976-1-324121 E-mail:
Founded: 1990 Degree Programs: Diploma, Bachelor, Master Faculties: Social Science Music Theatrical Art Institutes: Fine Arts Radio and Television Arts and Design Research Institute of Arts and Culture Colleges: Culture Design Art Music and Choreography Address: Main Campus 26 Baga Toiruu St, Ulaanbaatar Postal Address: Post Office-46 Ulaanbaatar 210646 Website: Phone: 325205 Fax: +976-1-325205 E-mail:
Founded: 1994 Degree Programs: Diploma, Bachelor, Master, Doctor Schools: Public Administration Business Administration Education and Social Sector Management Erdem School of Advanced Studies Departments: Public Administration Management Economics Law Psychology Language Philosophy and Political Sciences Management Science and Information Technology Founded: 1994 Degree Programs: Diploma, Bachelor, Master, Doctor Schools: Public Administration Business Administration Education and Social Sector Management Erdem School of Advanced Studies Departments: Public Administration Management Economics Law Psychology Language Philosophy and Political Sciences Management Science and Information Technology Address: Main Campus 7 Chingghis Ave, Ulaanbaatar Postal Address: Post Office-36 Ulaanbaatar 210636 Website: Phone: 343037, 342174, Fax: +976-1-343037 E-mail:
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EDUCATION The Mongolian higher education, until the dissolution of the former Soviet Union, had been developed on whole dependency on the Russian education system. The curriculum, subjects and technology of NMUM were almost the same ones used in Eastern Europe, especially in the former Soviet Union. Now, a restructuring in the training system for doctors is in progress, with the aim of meeting international standarts of education and traning, and the higher medical education systems main goal is to prepare doctors by demand of our country. There are three stages of education in NMUM. 1.Undergraduate education includes basic science trainig, medical science and premedical medicine trainig, study of clinical medicine. 2.Graduate education includes first: specialist education (general practitioners, master degree of science), second: subspecialization of doctors of science degree. 3.Postgraduate education or continuing education. Today, more than 1600 students are atusying in the NMUM, and 1062 of them have been training at the Faculty Medicine, 158 - at Faculty of Traditional Medicine, 116 - at the Faculty of Hygiene and Health Managment, 165 - at the Faculty if Dentistry, 101 - at the Faculty of Pharmacy. On the other hand, about 100 doctors are studying in the master training course and 50 doctors in the Ph.D degree training. The objectives of graduate education are to educate specialists with self study skills, train them with Medical Science degree or without it and produce a new category of doctors called family physicians, who would effectively treat more than 90% of illnesses in both urban and rural communities. Currently, our most important and biggest problem in the health insurance system is how to increase quality of physicians. Since the 1991s changes in the political area, the Goverment has sought to reorientate completely the training of health personnel away from previous models and base training materials along Western lines. This will include more foreword training in Mongolian language, instead of in Russian, while locally adapting training by using English-language literature as a model.