About VISA The visa issuing rules have been eased since 1997. Practically a 30-days tourist visa can be obtained from any Mongolian Embassy abroad (see the list) within 24 hours for approximately US$ 40.00. Additional fees are charged for urgent visa. Alternatively, those who travel from countries with no Mongolian mission present, can get visa either from the Mongolian Embassy in Beijing or Moscow, or at the arrival points: Buyant Ukhaa International Airport in Ulaanbaatar, Dzamyn Uud Railway Station on southern border or Sukhbaatar Railway station on the northern border. Visitors staying longer than 60 days are required to apply for registration with the police. Visitors planning to stay for more than 180 days should obtain a long-term residence permission. Remember that procrastination with visa extension may result in several visits to the Ministry of External Relations and up to $ 5.00 fine for each day after visa has expired. Visitors are also advised to obtain proper transit visa from China or Russia. There were cases when foreigners who failed to secure two time transit visa were denied entrance to these countries on their way back home from Mongolia. You can click this address to send me an e-mail for more information. I would like to help. mechanicalhuman@hotmail.com My address is: Tsatsral Batbayar 452 W.Aldine Apt#104 Chicago, IL-60657, USA phone: not available
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If you want to come in Mongolia. This is the mongolian embassies abroad. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Embassy of Mongolia 2833 M Street, NW Washington D.C. 20007 Telephone 1-202-3337117 1-202-3337137 Facsimile 1-202-3339227 E-mail mongemb@aol.com UNITED KINGDOM Embassy of Mongolia 7 Kensington Court London W8 5DL Telephone 44-171-9370150 Facsimile 44-171-9371117 E-mail embmong@aol.com JAPAN Embassy of Mongolia 21-4 Kumiyama Cho Shibuya Ku Tokyo 150 Telephone 81-33-4692088 Facsimile 81-33-4692216 E-mail embmong@gol.com GERMANY Botschaft der Mongolei Siebengebirsblick 4-6 D- 53844, Troisdorf Telephone 49-2241-402727 Facsimile 49-2241-47781 E-mail mongolbot@aol.com RUSSIAN FEDERATION Embassy of Mongolia Borisoglebovskaya St.11 Moscow 121069 Telephone 7-095-2906792 Facsimile 7-095-2916171 E-mail mongolia@glasnet.ru FRANCE Ambassade de Mongolie 5 Avenue Robert Schumann 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt Telephone 33-1-46052318 Facsimile 33-1-46053016 E-mail 106513.2672@compuserve.com CHINA Embassy of Mongolia Xiushui Beijie Jain Guo Men Wai Da Jie Beijing, China Telephone 8610-65321810 86-10-65321203 Facsimile 8610-65325045 E-mail Monembbj@public3.bta.net.cn BULGARIA Bulgaria, Sofia 1113 Frudurik Jolio Curie St. 52 Mongolsko Posolstvo Telephone 359-2-9630765 Facsimile 359-2-9630745 E-mail mongemb@mbox.infotel.bg BELGIUM Ambassade de Mongolei Avenue Besme 8, 1190 Forest Bruxelles Telephone 0032-23446974 Facsimile 0032-2-3443215 E-mail Embassy.mongolia@skynet.bea.aol.com